Santarli won SIX RoSPA Gold Awards in 2020 for Health and Safety Practices and Achievements

Santarli Construction Pte Ltd (SCPL) has submitted 6 entries for RoSPA Awards 2020. The awards are as follows: (1) Construction & Management of Staging Ground & Infilling Works, (2) Design, Construction, Operation & Maintenance of Marina East Staging Ground, (3) Proposed Sea Wall and Land Reclamation of HarbourFront 4, (4) Maintenance Dredging of Pasir Panjang Terminal 1, 2 and 3, (5) Construction of 6th Waste to Energy Plant and (6) SCPL at Corporate Level. These prestigious awards have been handed to Santarli in recognition of its practices and achievements in helping its staff, customers, clients, contractors to get home safely at the end of a working day.